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Questions To Ask During An Interview







1.What are the professors specialties? 
2.Do professors have an open door policy?
3.What do they think are characteristics of a successful student in the program?
4.Do they have research opportunities? 
5.Extracurriculars for students to participate in? 
6.What do students struggle most with in the program?
7.What are their teaching styles?
8.Cost of living?

9.What do they teach?

10.What are highlights of their program?

11.What clinical affiliations are they proud of/do they offer?

12.What are some elective courses?

13.Where do students live?

14.What budget do students give themselves while in the program?

15.How do they help students prepare for the NPTE?

16.Do they offer tutoring?

17.What inter professional opportunities do they offer? 

18. What ways are they involved in the community?

19. How do they support out of state students?

20. What scholarship opportunities are there?

21. Do they offer in state tuition for out of state students?

22. What makes a successful student in their program?

23. Do they offer GA/TA positions?

24. What ways does the program have fun? Do they do an annual bbq? just an example.

25.What is something they wish they could change about the program?

26. Do they have a pro-bono clinic?

27. In what ways do the promote hands on education?

28.What grades do you need to maintain to stay in the program?

29. What are some student moments that they would like to highlight?

30. Do they attend PT professional conferences?

31. Have any of their students ever been published for research?

32. Do they have a strong alumni network?

33. What do students struggle with most in the program?

34. How do they promote diversity?

35. What do they do to help a student who is struggling?

36. If a student is having trouble in a clinical affiliation how does the program assist the student?

37. What is there to do in the surrounding town?

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