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How To Narrow Down Your Schools







I was asked a really good question today about how I narrowed down my programs and what number of program I recommend. 


 I recommend around 7-10 really good choices. I say this because some schools may be more accepting of your application and see you as a perfect fit. Its all about what schools align with you as a student.  

Start your research now. You want to be confident when applying to programs. 


1.Don’t think of the number yet. Get a good list of programs together. 

- What intrigues about the program?

-Does your GPA meet their requirements?

-Financially is it possible for you to attend?

- Is the location a place you can see yourself in?

Make a list of things your dream program would have and find schools that offer some of those things.


2.Once you have a good list going start ranking programs. Do further research, look at SDN threads, speak to current students, tour the program if you can, speak to admission liaisons, and pts/mentors. 


3. You can read their student handbooks to see what the program is about


4. Check out some of their clinical affiliations or how they structure their clinicals


5. Do they have faculty in areas that you are interested in? SO IMPORTANT. many students forget about this!

 Who are their faculty what are some things they have done?


6. Does the program have study abroad opportunities? (if this is important to you)




8.  What opportunities do they offer students?


9. What community service initiatives are the involved with?


10. Costs


11. Can you see yourself there?


These are just my opinions and what I looked for. Let me know if it helps! Have any other suggestions I’ll add them :)








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